
Find out ways you can raise awareness and support efforts against different diseases/disorders.

Sarcoma - Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA)

Sarcoma - Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA)

  • Donating to the SFA where the proceeds will be used to advance medical research to cure sarcoma
  • Creating a memorial page to honor a loved one who suffered/is suffering from sarcoma
  • Participating in Raise to Cure, a national walk geared towards raising money for sarcoma research
  • Starting a local fundraiser of your own to raise money
  • Becoming a reproach advocate to push for and advance sarcoma research
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Schizophrenia - Schizophrenia and Psychosis Action Alliance

Schizophrenia - Schizophrenia and Psychosis Action Alliance

  • Donating to support their mission of helping those enduring the effects of schizophrenia with measures such as peer support groups
  • Volunteering to become a social media advocate and support group leader
  • Hosting a fundraising event to raise money
  • ​Participating in one of their events to learn about schizophrenia and how you can get more involved
Get involved
Breast Cancer - Breast Cancer Research Foundation

Breast Cancer - Breast Cancer Research Foundation

  • Donating to fund breast cancer research to further advance the treatment options and fight against the disease
  • Hosting a fundraiser of your own to raise money
  • Joining an already established fundraiser and aiding them in raising money to fund research
  • ​Attending a breast cancer research foundation to raise money, awareness, and connect with similarly minded volunteers hoping to make a change
Get involved
Alzheimer's - Alzheimer's Association

Alzheimer's - Alzheimer's Association

  • Becoming a virtual community representative where you attend various virtual events with the job of providing basic disease information and raising awareness about the programs offered by Alzheimer's Association
  • Joining the Alzheimer's Ambassador Program where you connect with elected officials to campaign for state and federal policies related to Alzheimer's
  • Making a donation to fund online Alzheimer education programs and research
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Autism - Autism Society of America

Autism - Autism Society of America

  • Engaging with local, state, and national legislators urging them to pass legislation that will aid autism research
  • Participating in peer-to-peer fundraising where you can set up a fundraising page and rally community support and donations
  • Contributing to autism research funding by donating money
Get involved
ALS - ALS Hope Foundation

ALS - ALS Hope Foundation

  • Working as an event day staff where you help set up events and work them
  • Soliciting auction items from local businesses that can be sold at fundraisers to raise money
  • Buying their products to raise money for ALS research and advocacy
Get involved
Heart Disease - American Heart Association

Heart Disease - American Heart Association

  • Becoming a Heart Walk Hero by organizing a local group of walkers whose actions will help raise money for heart health research
  • Participating in research surveys and questionnaires and encouraging others to do the same in order to help advance research by providing the necessary data
  • Signing up to join the Go Red for Women movement which is a platform with the goal of increasing women's health heart awareness
Get involved
Multiple Sclerosis - National Multiple Sclerosis Society

Multiple Sclerosis - National Multiple Sclerosis Society

  • Signing up as an Advocate for Change where you contact public officials advocating for Multiple Sclerosis related priorities
  • Volunteering to help events in your area and leading the Multiple Sclerosis advocacy movement
  • Raising awareness about Multiple Sclerosis through spreading the videos produced by the NMSS and through joining their events such as walks to show solidarity in the fight against Multiple Sclerosis
Get involved
AIDS - AIDS United

AIDS - AIDS United

  • Lobbying local and national legislators for essential legislation in the fight against AIDS/HIV such as funding housing for people living with HIV
  • Participating in AIDSWatch to show solidarity and learn about advocacy tactics and strategies
  • Donating to one of the many AIDS United funds which allocate money to specific and important causes such as funding for syringe services programs
Get involved
Psoriasis - National Psoriasis Foundation

Psoriasis - National Psoriasis Foundation

  • Mentoring one-to-one those with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis helping them through their condition by providing a friend and someone to talk to
  • Volunteering in advocacy to educate others about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and to help influence government policy
  • Participating in a Team NPF Walk, Cycle, or Run serving to raise money, support, and awareness for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
Get involved
Arthritis - Arthritis Foundation

Arthritis - Arthritis Foundation

  • Serving as an Arthritis Ambassador bridging the Arthritis Foundation and Congress to fight for key issues in the fight against arthritis and raise the awareness of politicians
  • Inviting friends and family to join you in the Jingle Bell Run which helps raise money for and attention towards the work of the Arthritis Foundation through a fun, festive event
  • Joining the Arthritis Foundation Community Leadership Board near you to coordinate events at a local level, ensuring the work of the Arthritis Foundation reaches your community
Get involved
Cerebral Palsy - Cerebral Palsy Foundation

Cerebral Palsy - Cerebral Palsy Foundation

  • Proposing an idea for a volunteer driven fundraising initiative which the Cerebral Palsy Foundation can help bring to fruition
  • Signing up on the mailing list to get up-to-date resources, news, and information regarding cerebral palsy and the Cerebral Palsy Foundation
  • Donating to the Cerebral Palsy Foundation to ensure that they can continue to provide resources and fund research that will help advance the fight against cerebral palsy
Get involved
Gastric Cancer - Debbie’s Dream Foundation

Gastric Cancer - Debbie’s Dream Foundation

  • Starting a school club using DDF’s handbook and guidance, raising awareness and fundraising for the fight against gastric cancer
  • Participating in the DDF Youth Art Contest if indirectly or directly affected by cancer, creating art pertaining to one’s dream for a cancer-free world
  • Attending the Stomach Cancer Capitol Hill Advocacy Day to show solidarity and support in pushing legislators to fund research that will bring an end to gastric cancer
Get involved