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Notable Organizations Fighting Glaucoma

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    Jake Konigsberg

Glaucoma affects an estimated 57.5 million people worldwide. Being an extremely prevalent disease which often incurs optic nerve damage before many symptoms appear, it is important to create awareness and knowledge about it to ensure that people know what to look for. Additionally, advocating against glaucoma shows support and solidarity for those adversely affected by it. Therefore, this blog provides an overview of three notable organizations devoted to fighting glaucoma.

The Glaucoma Foundation

This organization is dedicated to funding glaucoma-fighting research and educating the public about the disease and its effects. This organization provides information explaining the basics of glaucoma in addition to opportunities to get involved. To learn more about such opportunities, go to the resources section of

Glaucoma Research Foundation

An organization devoted to finding the cure for glaucoma. This foundation is a leader in glaucoma-fighting research and provides many fundraising opportunities for it. In addition to curing glaucoma, this organization hopes to promote research which mitigates and reduces the effects that glaucoma has on patients.

Cure Glaucoma Foundation

Cure Glaucoma Foundation was founded in 2014 with the aim to improve glaucoma research and care. Additionally, this organization is committed to preventing vision loss induced by glaucoma, the second largest cause of blindness. This organization is focused on global outreach, research, and increasing access to care. There are many opportunities to get involved in this organizations.
