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Multiple Sclerosis Treatment: Ponvory

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    Jake Konigsberg

There is currently no cure available for multiple sclerosis. However, there are some notable treatments and interventions which can help those afflicted with multiple sclerosis. One novel treatment is Ponvory (Ponesimod) which was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in March of 2021.

Ponvory is a selective sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1 modulator. Sphingosine 1–phosphate receptors are found on lymphocytes, immune cells including T cells and B cells, and regulate when they leave the lymph nodes and enter blood circulation. Ponvory modulates the receptors to keep lymphocytes in the lymph nodes, reducing the number in circulation going to the central nervous system. By reducing lymphocytes reaching the central nervous system, Ponvory thereby reduces nervous system inflammation and prevents lymphocytes from damaging the myelin sheath of those nerves.

Ponvory, like most drugs, still has some serious potential side effects. Some of the more common side effects include infection, breathing problems, liver problems, and increased blood pressure.
