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What Organizations Fighting Schizophrenia Should You Get Involved With?

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    Jake Konigsberg

In the fight against schizophrenia, there are many notable organizations aiming to encourage research efforts, show solidarity, raise support for and awareness about those suffering, and advocate for schizophrenia-fighting legislation. Some notable organizations include:

The goal of this organization is to raise awareness about the challenge that schizophrenia poses to sufferers as a way to improve care and support for those with the disorder. This organization also hopes to have schizophrenia recognized around the world as a neurobiological brain illness, an illness of the nervous system caused by biological factors. To learn more about ways to get involved in this organization, go to the resource page of the website.

NAMI focuses on creating a caring society supportive of those suffering with mental illness, and a place for sufferers to live happy and healthy lives. NAMI aims at promoting education, support, awareness, and advocacy to help improve the lives of those with mental illness. NAMI also provides resources, information about, and support groups for those facing schizophrenia.