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The Fight Against Psoriasis-- Organizations

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    Kevin Zhang
    Content Writer

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that affects approximately 8 million people in the US, or 3% of the population. To many, psoriasis is viewed exclusively as a skin disease, which manifests as lumpy, itchy, and discolored skin. Obscured by this misconception, many are still unaware of the larger implications that this immune-mediated disease has on our overall health. Since psoriasis can often link to the development of secondary illnesses, or comorbidities, the advocacy, education, and research for psoriasis is critical for a healthier community. According to the Tracking Accountability in Government Grants System (TAGGS), only a total of $4.6 million was granted to psoriasis research by the US government in the year 2021, only 25% of the value of grants given to atopic dermatitis, another skin disease that is not lethal but can cause complications. Whether it’s to fund or advocate for psoriasis, effort must be put into it, so below are some credible organizations that you can get involved in.

National Psoriasis Foundation

  • Their mission is to drive efforts to cure psoriatic disease and improve the lives of those affected. Recently, the NPF was even awarded a grant from the CDC to amplify their work in ensuring that those affected lead their healthiest lives. Furthermore, through providing education and training for healthcare professionals, the NPF is already taking large strides to positively impact those living with psoriasis.

  • NPF is also committed to leading collaborative, transformational research to produce better treatments and a cure for psoriasis. Click here to help the NPF effort.

Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance

  • This is a community and independent site which provides materials and resources to inform, educate, and support both patients and healthcare professionals on psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.